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St Thomas Aquinas

Year 6 Transition

Aquinas Experience


We believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom.

Here we promise all students the opportunity to go out as a year group with their form tutors and Head of Year. We believe this will help to develop committed learners and exceptional people.

We hope it will inspire our children and enhance their intrinsic motivation.

The experiences we offer are:

Click on the links below for more information:

Year 7 – Black Country Musem 

Year 8 – Bletchley Park  

Year 9 – Theatre Trip 

Year 10 - TBD 

Year 11 - Upton Warren 


The Importance of Educational Visits

Many of us have fond memories of school trips and when we look back on our school days, it is often the trips and extra-curricular experiences that we remember the most. On school trips we really get to make true friends, you get to really know your teachers and you learn all sorts of things that cannot be learnt in a classroom.

Here at St Thomas Aquinas we are lucky to have a varied programme of educational visits from day trips to museums, river studies, theatres, local towns and cities to residential trips such as Guernsey, skiing, Lourdes and Paris. 

Our annual Guernsey camp has been running for over 35 years now. Every July we take over 70 Year 7 students away to enjoy 10 days on the beautiful island. This is the visit that students remember when they leave school in Year 13.