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Religious Education is given in accordance with the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church and the religious life of the school is regarded as of central importance.

The School Chaplain, is a regular visitor to the school and is concerned with the pastoral care of the staff, students and their parents.  We are fortunate in having our own purpose-built Chapel and the children are encouraged to visit for prayer and reflection during their free time.  It is also used for the celebration of Form Masses and prayer. We expect all students whether Catholic or not to support our mission statement and attend Mass and other liturgical activities.

Voluntary Mass is celebrated every week in the school chapel on Tuesday morning.  Staff, students, parents and friends are all very welcome to join in the celebration.  At different times of the year the school comes together for the celebration of Mass and the students are involved with the preparation of all the celebrations.

Members of staff including the School Chaplain meet on a regular basis to discuss and promote the whole area of worship in the school.  Liturgy – the public worship of the church – covers a much wider area than the celebration of Mass and includes Prayer Groups, Assemblies, Retreats, Penitential Services, Mission Weeks and explores the many possibilities of the School as a worshipping community.  Every student in Year 8 has the opportunity to visit Alton Castle in Staffordshire and participate in a 3-day residential retreat and subsequently in Year 10 and Year 12.  In Years 7 & 9 students have a day retreat during the Autumn or Summer Term.  In May a party of Sixth Form students spend a week in Lourdes.

Please visit our Catholic Life page for lots more information on what we do.