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St Thomas Aquinas

Year 6 Transition


Homework is important to us at St Thomas Aquinas School. From Year 7, we train students in completing effective homework which builds their long-term memory. This is often linked to the knowledge organisers which teachers have produced for each year group. Research shows that completing effective homework adds an average of 5 months' progress to secondary school students and we know that our students feel more confident when they have worked hard at home between lessons: they are ready to answer questions and to move on in their learning. We want students to succeed in their homework tasks, so we allow plenty of time in lessons for students to write their homework in their planner and we always give them at least 3 nights to complete each task.

Parents often ask how they can support their children with homework and here are some ideas:

  • Quiz your child on the key facts in their knowledge organiser to help them remember it better.

  • Look at their planner and help them to prioritise tasks according to their due date.

  • Encourage them to space out their learning. This might mean practising some key spellings on a Monday evening and revisiting them on a Wednesday evening.

  • Look through the Year 7 Homework Guidance presentation which shows examples of homework from different subjects.

Homework Timetables