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St Thomas Aquinas

Year 6 Transition

Virtual Parents Evenings

From January 2021, we will be running virtual parents evenings using SchoolCloud. Parents will receive further communication in due course. 

Booking Appointments

Bookings will be made available for a certain period before each evening. Once they are open, they can be made by accessing https://stacsbham.schoolcloud.co.uk. For further instructions, click on the button below.

How to book appointments

Attending Appointments via Video Call

Appointments will be via video call. SchoolCloud use their own purpose-built video calling system so there will be no need to access any other systems such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. To find out how you attend your appointments via video call, click on the button below.

How to attend via video call



Technology can occasional cause some issues. If you do run into any issues using the SchoolCloud system, you can check out the following page.

Troubleshooting Issues