Head of Faculty - Mrs Maxine Tedcastle
Students will develop their observational photography skills. They will be taught about: what photography can be, the formal elements and composition techniques. They will start to set up and take photos of their own as well as edit them. Students will also start to develop their editing skills and techniques building up from adjustments into more complex techniques using layers. They will be introduced to artist’s work and produce their own work inspired by the style of the artwork.
Students will be introduced to a range of artists to which they will respond and produce their own photos. This will help them to gain a greater understanding of the different styles and approach to creating photographs. They will cover topics such as – Wrong (Looking at blur) and Natural Symmetry.
Students will be introduced to a range of photographic techniques such as Bokeh and Long Exposure to which they will respond and produce their own photos on the theme ‘Abstract’. This will help them to gain a greater understanding of the different ways in which a camera can be used.
Students explore the technique of double and multiple exposure by exploring the theme fragmented portraits. Looking at styles/techniques in response to the work of artists.
Students will decide on their sustained project. This will give them the opportunity to demonstrate, through an extended creative response, their ability to draw together different areas of knowledge, skills and/or understanding from across their course of study. They will demonstrate an ability to research, collect, record and connect to the work of relevant artists.
The students will continue this photographic journey and experiment with a range of techniques and materials in light of the artist’s work they have researched. They will develop their own work in response to the artists.
Outline of unit (Portfolio)
Student complete the sustained project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the realisation of intentions The students complete a 10 hour trial exam which is the final realisation of their personal project. During the first term students will work towards a finish complete their chosen project (unit 1).
They will complete their coursework by the end of term. This portfolio consists of their sustained project which shows explicit coverage of the four assessment objectives.
Students will be given their exam paper (Set Task) on 1st Jan. They will then begin their preparatory work.
The work should cover the four Assessment Objectives – Collecting, Recording, Experimenting, researching and responding to relevant artist’s work.
After Easter students will sit a 10-hour exam. This is the final piece for the exam unit. (Set Task).
Assessment Details
The exam and coursework will be marked using the following assessment objectives:
- AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
- AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
- AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
- AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
All objectives carry an equal weighting of marks. The coursework is completed by the end December in year 11 and the exam by mid-May in year 11. Both components are marked and moderated by the OCR teachers, once the exam is completed. After the marks have been submitted, a visiting external moderator visits the school to ensure standardisation of marks.
Internal assessment in the form of teacher feedback is given at intervals throughout the course.