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Useful Links

St Thomas Aquinas

Year 6 Transition

Professional Inquiry Research

Behaviour & Confidence

EEF - Behaviour Interventions - Toolkit Strand Psychology of Behaviour Management



Andy Brown - Effective CPD
David Weston - Schools that Unleash Teachers' Expertise
Developing Great Teaching
Evidence for Effective CPD
NACE - Vocabulary 
Teachers CPD Needs are Massive
TeacherToolkit - Writing Skills

Formative Assessment

Assessing Extended Writing - Options & Innovations

Feedback - Toolkit Strand

Guiding Student Improvement Without Individual Feedback

How Can Formative Assessment Work for both Learners & Teachers

Dylan William's Five Brilliant Formative Assessment Strategies

Rob Coe - Using Assessment to Support (distance) Learning


The Learning Scientists - How to Shift a School Towards Better Homework

Homework (Secondary) - Toolkit Strand

Homework - What Does the Hattie Research Actually Say

Research Analysis - Getting the Most out of Homework

Weekly Digest #5: Assigning Quality Homework



Addressing the Vocabulary Gap Using the Pattern Grammar Approach 

Closing the Reading Gap

Reading for Inference

Disciplinary Literacy Introduction

EEF - Disciplinary Literacy

Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools

Improving Pupils’ Access to the Curriculum

Is Reading Comprehension Even a Thing?

Making the Invisible Visible

National Literacy Trust

Five Things Every Teacher Needs to Know about Reading

Reading Comprehension Strategies

Mastery Learning

Mastery Learning - Toolkit Strand

Memory & Metacognition

Clare Sealy – Memory and Cognitive Overload - A Practical Session

CLT 2.0 – The Teacher Scaffolding Effects

Cognitive Load Theory - What to Do

Cognitive Load Theory in the Classroom

Daisy Christodoulou – How to Remember Anything, Forever

Cognitive Load Theory Explored Through Modelling in the Practical Classroom

Improving Metacognition Through Explicit Instruction of Learning Strategies

Is it all Just Memorisation?

Making Sense of Metacognition

Metacognition and Self-Regulation - Toolkit Strand

Metacognition, Self-Regulation and Self-Regulated Learning - What's the Difference?

Oliver Caviglioli – Dual Coding to Organise Ideas

Using Cognitive Load Thoery to Improve Slideshow Presentations

Mental Health

How to Manage Stress - Dr R Chatterjee

Mental Health in Schools

Social and Emotional Learning - Toolkit Strand

Parental Engagement

Parental Engagement - Toolkit Strand

Recall, Quizzing & Self-Testing

Are Knowledge Organisers Flawed?

Assessment as Learning - The Role of Retrieval Practice in the Classroom

Deliberately Difficult – Why it's Better to Make Learning Harder

Does Research on Retrieval Practice Translate into Classroom Practice?

Low-Stakes Testing, Technology and Learning

Optimising Learning Using Retrieval Practice


Applying Research in SEN to the Classroom

Everyone's a Teacher of SEND

Single, Bilingual - What Do We Need to Know About Second-Language Learning

The Dyslexia Debate and its Relevance to Professional Practice

Using Assistive Technology to Give SEND Learners Independence

Spacing & Interleaving

Deliberately Difficult – Why it's Better to Make Learning Harder

Revision Generator

Spaced Learning - The Final Frontier in Revision

Strengthening the Student Toolbox- Study Strategies to Boost Learning

Student Grouping

Case Study - Closing the Gender Gap

Tackling In School Variation

Within-Class Attainment Grouping - Toolkit Strand

Student Motivation

Can Praise Motivate or Stifle?

Educational Psychology - Student Motivation

Examples of Constructive Praise

Reward Systems

Using Rewards Effectively

What is the Best Way to Motivate Students in Your Subject

Subject-Specific Documents

How Retrieval Practice has been Used as a Tool to Improve Recall and Synoptic Thinking in Music A-level

Designing a Coherent English Curriculum

Learning Powerful Knowledge Successfully - Perspectives from 6th-Form Geography Students

MFL - Low Stakes Testing, Technology and Learning

Using TAs Effectively

Teaching Assistants - Toolkit Strand